Ekleptis is about focusing on protecting the Crucible positioned at the center of the map. As the core of your defense, the Crucible can be surrounded by a variety of player-deployed tools and towers designed to fend off waves of enemies.

GDD - link https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v4X4YXSwByJWifZg4CXQLOeWHcej-IXxmIgCv3ak1v8/...

W A S D to move,  Left Click to Shoot

Stand near the Cauldron to craft, the arrows at the top let you choose different pages.

Left click on the item you wish to craft and then click craft.

Once an item is your inventory, left click on it and drag it to to where you want.

Then left click to place the item on the world.

Upgrades are automatic.

Survive waves, Explore the desert for resources and make sure to keep your flame strong.


Ekleptis GDD. md 12 kB

Development log


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(1 edit) (+1)

- cool title screen and great background music!

- I didn't like not being able to build stuff during eclipse because I spent the whole bright time on scavenging resources and then couldn't build more towers during eclipse

- dragging items from inventory does not work: I just have to click an item, then move the mouse to where I want it and click again

- the base area was laggy for me, but I am on an old laptop with integrated graphics, so that's probably not a common issue

- some SFX when hitting enemies might be nice, sometimes it was hard to tell if I was hitting anything

Edit: oh, and I got stuck in a wall after stepping on a teleporter


Thanks for the feedback! We will add these issues to the bug tracker and tackle them for the next release!

(1 edit)

Nice gameplay loop, good graphics. A bit hard in the beginning, wish I had more money so I could try buying everything to figure out which was which. Best in the game was the music that was a straight banger!

(1 edit)

Awesome to hear! Thanks for playing! Well let our music guy know :)

There are resources around you just have to find them!

Getting an error when trying to play. It says features are missing. :(

(1 edit)

Hey, I'm sorry to hear that what OS and browser are you using? It seems to work fine when played in browser, but i want to see if there's a bug somewhere

I'm using Windows 11. The browser is Chrome. Everything is up to date. 

Hmm, I haven't seen anything that would cause that, perhaps it was an Itch.io issue.

I tried it again and everything was working this time. 

Awesome game! I liked the music and the gameplay. I really enjoyed the teleportation circles. Those added another element of strategy to the game. 

Thanks for the feedback friend! Glad to hear and thank you for coming back.